

  1. 单击 菠菜网lol正规平台 @ Work Sign In link (in original window), and then enter your User ID and password
    Note: These instructions opened in a new window. We suggest you click the 菠菜网lol正规平台 @ Work Sign In navigational link in your original window (at top of page) so you can still refer back to these instructions after you have logged in
  2. 从 主菜单,导航到 自助服务 → 工资及补偿
  3. 点击 视图的薪水
    The paycheck data for the most recent check displays
  4. 点击 查看不同的薪水 hyperlink to view historical paycheck information
  5. 单击下面的超链接 支付期限结束日期 to view the historical check data for that period 
    Note: Occasionally you may see 2 checks for the same period, often due to a retroactive 增加


  1. 从 主菜单,导航到 自助服务 → 工资及补偿
  2. 点击 工作及薪酬经历
    Salary history and changes to 补偿 display
  3. 单击 date hyperlink under 变更日期 to see additional salary change information
  4. 点击 Return to 工作及薪酬经历 返回到前一页