
Attorneys and other staff from the United States 律政司’s (DOJ) Civil Rights Division, 教育al Opportunities Section, have been working with the Title IX and Gender Equity Office to implement the 2021 Resolution Agreement between the 司法部和上海大学. DOJ staff members visited campus in October 2022 and July 2023, and held meetings with a wide variety of members of our community. 第九条办公室 has submitted regular reports and responded to data requests for the DOJ, revamped our outreach communications and policies, and sought feedback from campus partners, all in our effort to be increasingly responsive to reports of sexual harassment and 防止再次发生.

The Resolution Agreement and the university’s communications to the campus community 关于我们的进展在这个页面上. 我们欢迎你的想法.

圣何塞州立大学 is strengthening its 第九条 program and will share progress 在这个网站上.

菠菜网lol正规平台's Response to DOJ 第九条 Compliance Review of 体育运动 Department

The following information was posted September 21, 2021.

Information on the DOJ Resolution Agreement

常见问题 - 律政司 (DOJ) 第九条 Compliance Review of 体育运动 Department


联系联合国.S. 律政司’s Civil Rights Division

电子邮件: 社区.菠菜网lol正规平台@usdoj.政府 
网站: 民权.正义.政府